T.R. THOMPSON (Depth 28m bottom 14m top - 7.2 N/miles South from Newhaven)
The wreck is 3,538 ton Steamer, that was sunk by the 'U' Boat UB-57. She lays with her bow facing East, sitting upright, with her highest point being 14m from the sea bed. She is 109m long with a beam of 14m. Shell cases lie in an overturned box by the 4.7 inch gun mounted on the stern. She was carrying a cargo of 5,600 tons of Iron ore, from Algeria to Middlesbrough when she was torpedoed.
The wreck is 3,538 ton Steamer, that was sunk by the 'U' Boat UB-57. She lays with her bow facing East, sitting upright, with her highest point being 14m from the sea bed. She is 109m long with a beam of 14m. Shell cases lie in an overturned box by the 4.7 inch gun mounted on the stern. She was carrying a cargo of 5,600 tons of Iron ore, from Algeria to Middlesbrough when she was torpedoed.
T R Thompson: 5.226 ton 360 ft Armed Merchantman.Position: 50 41 11N; 00 08 24W, Depth, 30mSunk:. Torpedoed by UB 57, master and 32 crew died.
Diving Pointing East, decks have collapsed but the stern still stands 14m, Look for shell cases.
T. R. Thompson Distance from Eastbourne: 12.5 miles
Sunk: 29/03/1918, on passage Benisaf to Middlesbrough, torpedoed by UB-57. Details: Steamship, Armed Merchantman, 110m by 14.4m, 3538 tons.
Depth: 30m
Sunk: 29/03/1918, on passage Benisaf to Middlesbrough, torpedoed by UB-57. Details: Steamship, Armed Merchantman, 110m by 14.4m, 3538 tons.
Depth: 30m
Diving: Pointing East, the sides of the ship have collapsed, weight of the cargo, but the stern still stands 14m. It should be noted that the cargo is Iron Ore, so if you're dive starts centrally on the TR in low viz you may think you're off the wreck, but you're not, you're on top of the cargo.
3538-ton cargo steamer, built 1897. 360ft x 47ft. Armed with 4.7in gun on stern. 301hp triple expansion engines. Cargo: 5600 tons iron ore, Algeria to Middlesbrough. Position: 50 40.17N; 00 05.63E. Depth: 30m.Sunk: 29 March, 1918, by single torpedo from UB-57. Three saved from crew of 36.
Diving: Superstructure collapsed. Highest point stern, stands upright and 14m proud. Big break amidships. Gun fallen into wreckage. Shellcases nearby. Sand encroaching. Bell recovered by Bromley BSAC in 1989.Launch: Newhaven.
3.538 ton cargo steamer, built 1897. 360ftx47ft. Armed with 4.7in gun on stern. 301hp triple expansion engines. 5.600 tons iron ore, Algeria to Middlesbrough. Sunk: 29 March, 1918, by single torpedo from UB-57. Three saved from crew of 36. War records say vessel was probably sunk by gunfire from a german submarine. 13 lives lost.
Type of wreck:
Armed merchantship
Weight (tons):
3538 grt
Dimensions (m):
Cause lost:
Date lost:
29/03/1918 [dd/mm/yyyy]
Date built:
Short Brothers Ltd.
J. Westoll, Sunderland
Triple expansion engine
301 n.h.p.
9 knots
Depth (m):
35 max. / 21 min.
Short Brothers Ltd.
J. Westoll, Sunderland
Triple expansion engine
301 n.h.p.
9 knots
Depth (m):
35 max. / 21 min.
Ships Bell
Ships Plans
check out www.trthompson.blogspot for more info on TRT
OK will do - thanxs for the info
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