OCEANA (Depth 22m bottom 18m top - 15 N/miles East from Newhaven)
This is the wreck of a P&O Liner of 6,610 tons. She sunk after a collision with the Pisagua. When she went down she had a cargo that included £750,000 worth of Gold and Silver (3 million in today's money) They say that there is still £3,000 (£12,000 today's rate). It is also reported that an ingot was found as recently as 1996, so make sure you have got your goodie bag, you never know your luck. She is 351m long with a 39m beam and sit 4m off the seabed.
This is the wreck of a P&O Liner of 6,610 tons. She sunk after a collision with the Pisagua. When she went down she had a cargo that included £750,000 worth of Gold and Silver (3 million in today's money) They say that there is still £3,000 (£12,000 today's rate). It is also reported that an ingot was found as recently as 1996, so make sure you have got your goodie bag, you never know your luck. She is 351m long with a 39m beam and sit 4m off the seabed.
Details: Steamship, P&O Liner, 142.8m by 15.8m, 6610 tons.
Diving: Boilers stand 6m high amid tangle of wreckage.
Sand covers and uncovers some sections.
Diving: Boilers stand 6m high amid tangle of wreckage.
Sand covers and uncovers some sections.
6610-ton P&O liner, built 1888. 468ft x 52ft. 7000hp triple expansion engines. CARGO: General, plus 747,110 worth of gold and silver ingots. 40 passengers, 210 crew, London to Bombay. POSITION: 50 42.32N; 00 25.75E. DEPTH: 22m.SUNK: 16 March, 1912, in collision with Pisagua, 2850-ton German four-masted steel barque. Nine from Oceana drowned when lifeboat capsized. All except a few ingots recovered in immediate diving salvage.
DIVING: One more silver ingot recovered by sport diver in 1996. Beware strong tides, dive only on slack of 30 minutes. Boilers 6m proud amid tangle of wreckage. Sand covers and uncovers some sections.

type of wreck:
Ocean Liner
Weight (tons):
Dimensions (m):
Cause lost:
Date Lost:
16/03/1912 [dd/mm/yyyy]
Date Built:
Harland & Wolff Ltd.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co. (P&O)
3cyl trip exp
7000 h.p.
Depth (m):
25 max. / 20 min.
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